Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Rather Forgetful


Lupa is the common thing that happen to me almost everyday.. I don’t know whether the word ‘lupa’ or being forgetful can be defined well with tak sedar diri. I have whimpered so many times previously on the same reasons and it still haunt me recently.. Well, everyone is tied up with a lot of problems whether they are small, big or even bigger to solve.

I forget that Allah never test a soul beyond that it can bear.. When I was in a deep problem, I always forget to look after my faith, easily despair and blame all things around me..  I shall depress too much on it without come out with any solution and could end up with eating or even sleeping which are my preferable and the most favourite things to do so far.  I let myself drown in hardship and feel like the useless creature..

When I cherished my success, I forgot too.. although these two things, successful and failure such a rotation upper and down that will take place in turn. But, I admit that I am a forgetful person. I never learnt from past. Thus, the imperious character will take place of being forgetful when we neglect to put effort to improve ourselves.  Tak sedar diri lebih best untuk bash myself.

 In Islam, every action is considered based on our intention.. So, of being despair why don’t u wipe your tears and buck up to start again and over again. Why u let yourself drown with emotion that totally do not bring any benefits to you.  It is freaking so bad when you simply judge your problem is bigger than your own ability to handle it. Meanwhile, we always been taught that every illness has its cure and same goes to every problem has solution. See! (forget again) However, it will be more terrifying when we neglect the truthful guidance to cry on.

Doa is the super duper powerful essence that bring up your glum spirit. It reminds you that your awaiting tasks are in your hand to create your own journey, either it is dreadful or exhilarated. But, it is more sorrowful when you upset of the worldly problem than weighing about akhirah that has been confirmly stated as the ultimate place to live in. 

Kepada sahabat- sahabatku di luar sana, jika anda takut jangan berani- berani. Jika anda berani jangan takut- takut. Lebih banyak gagal lebih banyak kita belajar, asalkan jangan gagal kerana perkara dan masalah yang sama (see T.T). Mengapa harus takut dengan kegagalan kalau kegagalan itu guru yang hebat? Walau bagaimanapun, sentiasa elakkan kegagalan dan janganlah kerana gagal itu guru terbaik, anda jadi seorang yang sengaja cari kegagalan. Kerana anda pasti menghadapi kegagalan walaupun anda berusaha sedaya upaya untuk mengelaknya.  Itu pasti! -  Saiful Nang


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