this post is in manglish.. sigh :(
bole translate semua dalam English atau Bahasa pada
ruangan sidebar, okay!
Bismillahir rahman nirrahim...
I would like to dedicate this post to my dad
(ayah), even he doesn't know I write this for him.. He will get know this soon
when I'm not around (go somewhere else), hiding myself because I'm embarrassed to
express it directly to him.. Maigadd!! This truly your daughter’s behaviour..
^^ I hope u know it very well, ayah!
Am I a daddy's girl?? urm, not so sure. I'm more
comfortable taking a safe approach in favor of both, my mom (ibu) and my dad
“Dads are most ordinary men turned by love into
heroes, adventurers, story tellers, singers of songs” [quote]
Cherish your father. He might be strict in some
matters, but trust me, he's the best in compromise some issues..
Why dad exists in this world? because he's the
one, who has an authority that Allah given to protect u from harm, teaching u
life skills and strong values.. Ohh ya, to be your wali as well when u get
married (focus on girls). ^^V He is the best guardian. U are in his
responsibility until u've met your soulmate and the duty will be transferred to
your hubby.
It's a wise father who knows his child. But maybe
it's a very wise child who takes time to know his father.. - I wish I could
understand ayah very well-
If u still have a dad, please appreciate his
presence.. Respect him. Hug him, kiss his cheek and tell him that u really
love him, as well as are trying to be the best for him. I do kiss my daddy's
cheek but rarely say that I love him.. ohh my gosh! shame on u piqa.. -.-
However, if your dad's in heaven, be thankful. U are lucky because u've been
loved by him.. Don't forget to send some dua's for him.. He will be happy to
have a good child that keep praying for him..
A girl might be “Daddy's Little Princess” as a
baby, a toddler, a child, but as she grows closer to puberty she will often
find herself left at home instead of spend their time together and attention
deflected from her.
The role of a father in his daughter's life is
pivotal: he is the first man in her life; the one who teaches her what he, a
male, thinks of her, a female; and thus shapes her sense of self-worth in the
eyes of other men; the one whose behaviour and mannerisms will influence her
mental image of “the perfect man” and her choice of life partner (i.e.
husband).. [copy & paste]
for my self too:
dear unmarried girl, if u r kept on doing sin, no matter how million times u say u love him, do u know that u are just dragging him along to the perish valley.. [hell easy to say]
dear unmarried girl, if u r kept on doing sin, no matter how million times u say u love him, do u know that u are just dragging him along to the perish valley.. [hell easy to say]
nanges laju- laju
never take an action for my granted
always fulfill my lust [damn]
as a result, my father will be punished for all my
sangat kejam bila diasuh dengan didikan agama,
tapi tanpa segan silu terus buat dosa.. WTFish piqa. tak kesian ke kat ayah..
Ayah, sekiranya ayah tahu anak ayah tak terhitung
dosanya, malah terus melakukan dosa.. I can't continue this sentence because
only u, ayah just have a right to continue this as the answer.. kesal,
menyesal, takde guna.. [try to minimal my wrongdoing, keep praying for me guys]
Please forgive me ayah! eqa sayang ayah tapi eqa
terus seret ayah dengan dosa eqa..pronaunce in E-taling of Eqa word (my name
lerr), bukan ekar tanah tau.. memang get used call me 'air'-qa dengan family..
ohh sorry x relate pulok kn.. gedik sungguh..
Ayah, dosa yang ayah tanggung sangat besar dan
maha berat.. ayah dah laksanakan amanah ayah dengan sangat baik, tapi kami (my
girl siblings) yang tambah beban dosa ayah.
ya Allah, Engkau ampunilah dosa kami, dosa ahli
keluarga kami, ringankanlah dosa yang ditanggung ayah. Ayah bukan dayus yang
membiarkan ahli keluarganya terus melakukan dosa,, sebaliknya kami yang ingkar
dengan terus berbuat dosa.. Ampuni kami kerana sesungguhnya Engkau tempat kami
let's dua' for our parents.. jum jum!!
ya Rabb, ampuni dosa kedua- dua ibu bapa kami,
sebagaimana mereka berdua telah mendidik dan menjaga kami sejak kecil hingga
saat ini.. Lapangkan kubur mereka, tempatkan mereka di tempat yang selayaknya
di sisi-Mu, masukkan kami sekeluarga dalam syurga-Mu.. ameen..
.......Ayah hero saya!.....
Yet despite all this, far too many fathers play a
distant, secondary role in their daughter's lives. There is a misconception
that a father is merely the breadwinner, the supporter of the household, that
his role is primarily that of financial provider rather than nurturer. sangat
salah okay..
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ayah when i was standard 3.. |
nice.. ^_^
ReplyDeletetp ade ayah yg ego nak tunjukkan kasih sayang. hehe..