Friday, February 24, 2017

Pija Part 2

I’m shocked! Pija seems everywhere. She walked here and there. The truth was, Pija aggressively looking for gloomy spot. She wanted to place her babies at the safe place in hurry. I just let her doing so.

My neighbour son told me that two of her three babies were died. We identified that the bleeding scars on their neck and head respectively were bitten by something. Looking forward to it, we suspected that the male cats might be bitten them. But the sorrowing Pija could not noticed that. 

I placed the dead bodies on a basket first to be buried at the backyard. Pija took their two babies in the box back to make sure all their three babies were save. I talked to her. I don’t know whether she could understand me or not in this situation. She started to move the babies one by one in my house. I have a work to do first. So, I didn’t notice she want to place her baby in mom’s closet. It is a bit opened up. So easy for her to fit in.

The one that still alive was not moving. I felt its body. It was stiff. I have no idea why. maybe Pija moved it frequently as it was a newly born. All of them died. My tears poured down as I can’t control my emotions. Pija was in her way transferring its second baby. Ayah took all her babies then to be buried as soon as possible since Pija was in postpartum depression (meroyan). I don’t know this word can be used for animal or not. hee

She didn’t realized that her babies were gone. She made noise when seen ayah managed all the dead babies. She’s meow-ing non stop when looking for her babies nowhere. She came to me seems she desperately needed a help to find her babies. I cried as much as I do. I can see her tears on the lower eyelid. 


This was the situation when our mum gave birth, breast- feeding us, give the best she could do for her second life. The love is too priceless.

By the way, the baby dumping issue is the hardest to pin down yet the problem is getting worst day by day. I don’t want to hurt one side. We lose easily in dealing with lust. But, the community is the worst part after all. Stop judging people like u are an angel. The misconception in our intention to preaching someone to good turn over when u act prejudice and keep bashing those who want to change. This kind of perspective definitely kill us. The ignorant people is the one who consider they doing good enough, however they actually don’t.

Day by day, Pija can accept the truth that her babies safely in heaven. At first, her emotion was unpredictable. She acted harsh, stratched and bitten us. Her nipples getting swollen since her babies didn’t had chance to draw her breast milk. Later, she act normally but she just love being pampered. I sleep, she sleep next to me. But she's the first cat that I ever seen acting ‘tak sopan’. When she sleep, she pose different with funny style. So bad huh.

Alhamdulillah, many lesson I learn through Pija itself. The one of beauty existence really made my day. She is hired as a house keeper when everyone is not home. No wonder, having a pet can be a therapy for soul since their cuteness can reduce stress and anxiety.

In fact, the calming effect of owning a cat triggers the release of oxytocin, the hormone known for inducing feelings of love and trust. People going through difficult times of grief or mourning indicate that talking to their pet helps work out their feelings, since it is often easier to talk to something that won’t respond and can’t judge than to another human being.

Last but not lease, thank you for reading and hopefully we get something from the post. tata

Pija Part 1

Assalamualaikum wbt..

Kakak told me about Pija. I’m curious. The rest of my family did the same things too.  I just arrived home safely. The semester break began after battling with deadly challenge in a row. 5 papers in 4 days really made me half way of being crazy. I was waiting for Pija, the most popular name outburst in couple of weeks in my family.

Suddenly, a pregnant female cat entered my house. Then, my mom said it was Pija. Aween gave her name just to make fun of my neighbour. Then, she changed its name directly to Pija due to widespread speculation. I didn't know why. Her full name is Nurul Syafizah since our girl siblings' name started with Nurul and our first syllable; for second name is Sya.. Aween never get serious and always think to play around. 

I'm not too interested at her since my house basically not suitable enough to take care of cats or any other pets. Yeah, cat is one of the cutest pet ever but its cuteness definitely hard to overwhelm me to like them much. I will feed them. For me tat’s more than enough.

I’m not an easy going person to be closed to everyone or anything. Some people may judge me as a friendly girl. Opps, my status has been upgraded becoming a woman. Koff koff.. However, to be closed to someone is a big matter for me. It is really difficult to understand me either. The more u know about me, the more complex it can be.. whatever!

I’m pretty sure some may say that I’m such a big loser. The term of losing is hard to deal with it. I’m too afraid any of my favourites things or the person itself could be disappeared one by one and left me behind.  However, I need to realize to the resolution that Allah has planned for us. It is a cycle of life. Only one permanent place remain to gather us all with joy which is paradise, jannah.

That the reason why I hate loving someone easily. Same goes to the cat. What a long and boring intro.. but please continue reading.. (pity face). U will not regret after all.. I bet! ahaha

I started to like Pija since she was easy to handle.. she slept more, eat more. She did her duty well, catching the lizards and play hard with them. Fortnight later, she get a birth the three lovely kitten. She tried very hard to find a suitable shelter for her babies before in my house. But it must be difficult to handle their unclean waste. So, we placed her in a box with towels under the stairs. There is a space for her. She will come into my house to eat only.

On that night, I joined my parents buying some groceries in supermarket nearby and stop by my mom’s friend restaurant. Late night after going home, I was able checking out Pija and their babies.  They did well. I suspected nothing. But, actually there was a big incident happen to Pija’s babies. It was so hard to tell. I will burst into tears everytime I think about it.

 To be continue…
Friday, January 22, 2016

Bento to Bentley


Dalam fasa kenaikan kos sara hidup ni, ramai parents ambil inisiatif menyediakan bekal atau bento sebagai langkah berjimat.

Langkah menyediakan bento bukan je dapat mengeratkan hubungan kekeluargaan malah dapat menjimatkan kewangan ibu bapa (andai bagus praktikalitinya), perbelanjaan wang saku anak- anak serta penyediaan makanan yang lebih nutrisi.

Waktu di pra-U dulu pun, bawa bekal ni semacam rutin, tambahan sibuk mengendalikan perniagaan makanan.. koff koff. Kira serampang dua mata.. Nak dijadikan cerita, blok Tingkatan 6 agak terpisah dengan blok- blok lain. Jadi ramai la kawan- kawan yang manfaatkan peluang untuk berniaga sesama sendiri.

Ada yang bisnes kebab, air botol long- chan, nuget sosej, kerepek dan segala popia, tak ketinggalan *perusahaan kecil nasi goreng cili padi serta bihun dalam bungkusan plastik*.

Memang seronok berniaga kalau dapat sambutan. Budak2 ni pun galak beli sampai dua bungkus sekali untuk sarapan dan waktu rehat. Permintaan yang tinggi membawa kepada penawaran yang tinggi untuk kekalkan harga jualan. Jadi, aku minta ibu tambahkan kuantiti makanan. Kalau ibu rajin, ibu akan buat karipap kentang dan kueh teow goreng. Cikgu pun beli sama.

Kini delegasi perniagaan masih diteruskan oleh adik yang tinggal cuma setahun lagi pembelajaran di sekolah. Betapa aku rindukan saat tu.. Rindukan kawan- kawan yang gila setiap karakternya. Banyak perkara yang dipelajari bukan sahaja dari konten ilmu malah dalam konteks kehidupan. Setiap individu walaupun tak rapat zahirnya, akan aku ingat setiap momen bersama kalian. Terima kasih kerana pernah membahagiakan.. :)

Memori indah yang takkan dilupakan, semahal Bantley malah lebih lagi nilainya dari unsur material. Kini, genap dua tahun kita meninggalkan sekolah. Tiada ingatan lain melainkan titipan doa moga kita dipertemukan dan berbahagia untuk dunia akhirat. Andai diri ini pernah melukakan hati dan perasaan, mohon khabarkan segera untuk aku memohon maaf.

Walau kita berlatar belakangkan faktor yang berbeza, namun penilaian kita sama mahukan perubahan. Bento to Bentley, aku nukilkan buat kalian.
Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Rather Forgetful


Lupa is the common thing that happen to me almost everyday.. I don’t know whether the word ‘lupa’ or being forgetful can be defined well with tak sedar diri. I have whimpered so many times previously on the same reasons and it still haunt me recently.. Well, everyone is tied up with a lot of problems whether they are small, big or even bigger to solve.

I forget that Allah never test a soul beyond that it can bear.. When I was in a deep problem, I always forget to look after my faith, easily despair and blame all things around me..  I shall depress too much on it without come out with any solution and could end up with eating or even sleeping which are my preferable and the most favourite things to do so far.  I let myself drown in hardship and feel like the useless creature..

When I cherished my success, I forgot too.. although these two things, successful and failure such a rotation upper and down that will take place in turn. But, I admit that I am a forgetful person. I never learnt from past. Thus, the imperious character will take place of being forgetful when we neglect to put effort to improve ourselves.  Tak sedar diri lebih best untuk bash myself.

 In Islam, every action is considered based on our intention.. So, of being despair why don’t u wipe your tears and buck up to start again and over again. Why u let yourself drown with emotion that totally do not bring any benefits to you.  It is freaking so bad when you simply judge your problem is bigger than your own ability to handle it. Meanwhile, we always been taught that every illness has its cure and same goes to every problem has solution. See! (forget again) However, it will be more terrifying when we neglect the truthful guidance to cry on.

Doa is the super duper powerful essence that bring up your glum spirit. It reminds you that your awaiting tasks are in your hand to create your own journey, either it is dreadful or exhilarated. But, it is more sorrowful when you upset of the worldly problem than weighing about akhirah that has been confirmly stated as the ultimate place to live in. 

Kepada sahabat- sahabatku di luar sana, jika anda takut jangan berani- berani. Jika anda berani jangan takut- takut. Lebih banyak gagal lebih banyak kita belajar, asalkan jangan gagal kerana perkara dan masalah yang sama (see T.T). Mengapa harus takut dengan kegagalan kalau kegagalan itu guru yang hebat? Walau bagaimanapun, sentiasa elakkan kegagalan dan janganlah kerana gagal itu guru terbaik, anda jadi seorang yang sengaja cari kegagalan. Kerana anda pasti menghadapi kegagalan walaupun anda berusaha sedaya upaya untuk mengelaknya.  Itu pasti! -  Saiful Nang

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Answered Prayer


 “Gratitude set the Attitude” 

Alhamdulillah.. segala puji dan syukur ke hadrat-Mu, ya Allah.. hampir sebulan menunggu keputusan biasiswa KPM, Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia dan akhirnya terjawab sabtu lepas. Kepada bakal guru yang sedang melanjutkan pengajian undergraduate di universiti awam, scholarship ni sesuatu yang sangat diimpikan oleh kami sebagai bakal warga pendidik atas kemudahan urusan posting dan kelebihan lain.

I don’t expect too much on this scholarship since our course has not been offered to it. Alasan dia ringkas, kami masih tiada subjek major dan minor.. Kami terikat dengan paper pengantar (basic paper) subjek sem ii, yang perlu kami pilih 3 daripada 5 subjek yang ditawarkan.. I chose Sejarah, Bahasa Melayu dan Bahasa Inggeris. Then, out of 3 papers, the major minor will be selected to the best scoring in sem ii and will be decided to your major and minor. 

USM je buat macam tu untuk kos Sastera dgn. Pendidikan sebab universiti lain, kos pendidikan mereka directly in depth to your major and minor subject.. contoh Ijazah Sarjana Muda Pendidikan dengan Sejarah..faham tak? Err, pening sikit kut nak faham.. haa, lagi 2 papers yang tak disebutkan ialah Geografi dan Kesusasteraan Melayu.. got it?? Hiks

Mula tu hampa + kecewa semua pun rasa tapi syukur, at least u still have ptptn to earn a living in term of studying in university.. biasiswa ni lama dah dibekukan tp batch kami, dia ditawarkan kembali.. tentu teruja kan!! Tapi nanti dulu.. dapat pinjaman ptptn dulu pun keluh kesah lagi dengan tak cukupnya to those yang banyak makan, banyak belanja dan banyak dari segala-galanya..As for me, memang tak cukup! Bukan tak bersyukur tapi mungkin kurang cermat dari segi berbelanja, mungkin..

Atas inisiatif 3 orang jejaka dalam kos kami, mereka hantar surat rayuan kepada KPM directly dengan bantuan dekan pusat pengajian ilmu pendidikan.. Akhirnya doa kami terjawab.. Walaupun second intake, tapi semangat kami tetap berkobar- kobar dalam memperjuangkan hak kami.. ececeh!! Crita dia macam ni… waktu cuti sem lepas, aku dapat call..bimbang jugak kan nak angkat, tapi aku assume no penang pun sebab tertera kat skrin fon, 04. Rupanya unit penajaan USM telefon beritahu berita yang sumpah mengujakan, aku terpilih untuk hadiri interview biasiswa KPM.. Baru iv tau, aku dh suka sampai suasana jadi hiba (happy teary eyes)..

Rupanya tak mudah nak dapat benda yang kita nak,, kita kena usaha lebih daripada apa yang kita usahakan sebelum ni.. aku kena hadiri ujian bertulis (INSAAK) macam meDsi tu even aku banyak admit perkara pahit yang tak sepatutnya ada sebagai seorang guru, ujian kecerdasan yang terkandung bleep test segala benda alah yang sesak jiwa raga tu dengan hadiri iv.. tu pun belum comfirm dapat. Aku yang memang pemalas nak exercise, terpaksa jogging hampir tiap petang dalam seminggu tu untuk dapatkan fitness kononnya. Memang stress sebab kita nak sangat kan benda tu.. 

plus, dokumen macam sijil- sijil akademik dah la tinggal dalam stor Tekun (nama kediaman pelajar,,yang tak berapa nk best sebab mengelirukan dengan pinjaman perniagaan Tekun)+(aku kurang tekun) tapi lama- lama jadi get used to this word sebab best kut nilai tekun tu. Akhirnya aku uruskan sehari sebelum ketiga2 ujian tu sendiri.. opps, not forget to mention syira aka my cutie pie roommate (dia pun dapat sama) even lain major, dia ambil Geografi..

Sekarang ni masih sibuk uruskan biasiswa KPM sebab kena stop ptptn dan perkara penting lain.. btw, tiada perasaan lain melainkan ingin berkongsi rasa.. jauhkan aku daripada sifat riak (Ameen).. terima kasih kerana sentiasa mendoakan yang terbaik esp to my parents, siblings, relatives, friends and all of u. thanks for all your doa and support! lepaskan sesuatu perkara untuk perkara lebih baik itu memang takkan pernah rasa menyesal. In shaa Allah, amanah ni akan aku jaga. I miss out my JPA, but I get my KPM.. JPA takkan offer pendidikan, tapi might offer me if I took econs in UM (if it happen). Aku tahu kekuatan aku di sini walaupun selalu homesick.. eheh! 

*kalau rezeki tu untuk awak: teruk, buruk macam mana pun awak hasilkan, tetap untuk awak jugak at last* Trust me.. Kun Fayakun! Don’t forget that.. Dia sentiasa ada, Allahu.. :’(

Sunday, September 13, 2015

21st birthday

Assalamualaikum wbt..

Alhamdulillah, hari ni genap usia beta 21 tahun.. opps, lambat update entry sejam sampai hari pun berubah ke keesokan hari nya.. Nothing much to say either since jam pun almost nak pkul 1 pg.. tapi tengoklah, when suddenly I probably possessed by the spirit to type more.. hee.

So many things happen to our relatives that really break our heart to feel the same burden as they’re going through.. A deep condolence to the family members of the falling crane victims in Masjidil Haram.. u were so lucky, finished your last deep breath in doing Hajj with pure intention to seek Allah forgiveness as your last ultimate goal which had really come true.. May u died as a martyr, in khusnool khatimah to meet with your creator in pleasant Jumaat..

Then, the problem of Syria refugees and other muslims refugees still cannot reach to the point of the solution yet it’s getting worse day by day. Adalah sangat buruk bila kesatuan wilayah Arab sendiri berdolak dalih untuk membantu saudara seislam atas kepentingan ekonomi dan politik mereka dengan meminggirkan pertolongan dan aspek persaudaraan. Alhamdulillah, Germany has opened the gate to accept the Syria refugees in spirit of humanities. Syukur! Sedih sangat. Terlalu banyak kisah yang menyayat hati berlaku.. Moga mereka tabah dengan mehnah dan tribulasi yang sumpah hebat dan terus terang tak mampu ditanggung oleh sebahagian kami.. Keep their imaan strong, ya Allah!


Ayah had called me the day before my exact birthday.. I’m so touched plus thankful having him as my precious gift that I borrow from the almighty God. I told him that was not my birthday and he said he want to be the first wisher among the others. Tak kesah lahh. My lovely ibu had told him but ayah as usual confident with himself despite it was wrong. To family members yang made wishes, terima kasih daun keladi.. moga doa berbalik kembali kpd semua yang mendoakan diri ini.

Thanks to my cute roommate, Syira bought for me a yummy pizza hut and not forget to order mushroom soup as well.. She always come out with the idea to appreciate my meaningful day even i'm not willing her to do more for me.. Birthday dia pun, lambat wish 2 hari.. sangat teruk lahh kau piqa!! I just want her know, I love her.. woot woot. Nina pun wish kita dari jauh.. I miss her badly, that pretty girl..

The obvious different that I received for my birthday this year, timeline facebook kosong, tak sorang pun wish.. tapi, wasep penuh lahh.. Depa pm kt fb rupanya.. I preferred that way actually..takde lahh semak timeline beta.. the best thing was my coursemate girls wishing for my birthday since I’m the 1st one with the latest upcoming birthday when they created what's app group.. berhuhu lah saya.. so, sangat berterima kasih dan sumpah happy even birthday uolls kita tak wish conditionally.. doa je mampu dihulurkan buat semua..

I got suprising present that came in two ways which were pre birthday and during birthday from him, Nizam. Dia bagi buku Kisah orang menang by Saiful Nang for pre birthday.. lain, mana bole beritahu, privacy.. hikss. Takde lahh, in shaa Allah pemberian yg penuh bermanfaat. Terima kasih dude!

Moga, kita sentiasa bersyukur dan berusaha untuk jadi baik dalam fitrah Islam. minta maaf sepanjang hayat ini banyak melukakan hati dengan kata dan tingkah yang tak serupa bikin saya.. sigh!
Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Assalamualaikum wbt..

Alhamdulillah, tahniah diucapkan buat mahasiswa mahasiswi yang menyambung pengajian ijazah sarjana muda di universiti awam mahupun swasta. Moga usaha gigih dalam memacu kejayaan sentiasa menjadi buruan..

Teringat pada tarikh yang sama, tahun lepas.. it’s such a difficult moment for me to face this situation.. I was hard to hold back my tears.. rasa beban batu besar hempap diri yang kerdil..eheh! I was far away from family.. heklehh, bukan obersi pun kau belajar tapi rasa sedih dia sumpah, I really can’t bear at 1st.

Paling legend, perasaan waktu parents nak balik Melaka after they helped me to arrange my stuffs.. muka tu paling comot nanges beriya- iya waktu peluk ibu.. hishh, teruk punye homesick.. then, when they moved, I started to perform my solat  to get the powerful strength here..

Malu kutt, rumet yang kecil molek dari Terengganu tak nanges pun.. sayu tu pasti lahh ada kan, plus students lepasan STPM memang masa banyak diluangkan di rumah.. Ramai je yang daftar masuk form 6 pun sebab taknak berjauhan dengan family.. that’s so common.. but then, u still need to fit yourself well with all the possibilities such staying away from parents tho.. kawan- kawan belajar obersi tu lagi la, ujian dilanda rindu tu lagi hebat..

Apa pun, just wish all of us the best.. yeay, saya dah masuk tahun 2. Kejar matlamat, rebut segala peluang dan ruang di universiti untuk asah bakat dan timba pengalaman yang berguna di kemudian hari..

Psst, lagi bagus kalau ada ruang join bulatan gembira.. comfirm berbahagia dengan adanya keluarga kedua.. hikss