Sunday, September 13, 2015

21st birthday

Assalamualaikum wbt..

Alhamdulillah, hari ni genap usia beta 21 tahun.. opps, lambat update entry sejam sampai hari pun berubah ke keesokan hari nya.. Nothing much to say either since jam pun almost nak pkul 1 pg.. tapi tengoklah, when suddenly I probably possessed by the spirit to type more.. hee.

So many things happen to our relatives that really break our heart to feel the same burden as they’re going through.. A deep condolence to the family members of the falling crane victims in Masjidil Haram.. u were so lucky, finished your last deep breath in doing Hajj with pure intention to seek Allah forgiveness as your last ultimate goal which had really come true.. May u died as a martyr, in khusnool khatimah to meet with your creator in pleasant Jumaat..

Then, the problem of Syria refugees and other muslims refugees still cannot reach to the point of the solution yet it’s getting worse day by day. Adalah sangat buruk bila kesatuan wilayah Arab sendiri berdolak dalih untuk membantu saudara seislam atas kepentingan ekonomi dan politik mereka dengan meminggirkan pertolongan dan aspek persaudaraan. Alhamdulillah, Germany has opened the gate to accept the Syria refugees in spirit of humanities. Syukur! Sedih sangat. Terlalu banyak kisah yang menyayat hati berlaku.. Moga mereka tabah dengan mehnah dan tribulasi yang sumpah hebat dan terus terang tak mampu ditanggung oleh sebahagian kami.. Keep their imaan strong, ya Allah!


Ayah had called me the day before my exact birthday.. I’m so touched plus thankful having him as my precious gift that I borrow from the almighty God. I told him that was not my birthday and he said he want to be the first wisher among the others. Tak kesah lahh. My lovely ibu had told him but ayah as usual confident with himself despite it was wrong. To family members yang made wishes, terima kasih daun keladi.. moga doa berbalik kembali kpd semua yang mendoakan diri ini.

Thanks to my cute roommate, Syira bought for me a yummy pizza hut and not forget to order mushroom soup as well.. She always come out with the idea to appreciate my meaningful day even i'm not willing her to do more for me.. Birthday dia pun, lambat wish 2 hari.. sangat teruk lahh kau piqa!! I just want her know, I love her.. woot woot. Nina pun wish kita dari jauh.. I miss her badly, that pretty girl..

The obvious different that I received for my birthday this year, timeline facebook kosong, tak sorang pun wish.. tapi, wasep penuh lahh.. Depa pm kt fb rupanya.. I preferred that way actually..takde lahh semak timeline beta.. the best thing was my coursemate girls wishing for my birthday since I’m the 1st one with the latest upcoming birthday when they created what's app group.. berhuhu lah saya.. so, sangat berterima kasih dan sumpah happy even birthday uolls kita tak wish conditionally.. doa je mampu dihulurkan buat semua..

I got suprising present that came in two ways which were pre birthday and during birthday from him, Nizam. Dia bagi buku Kisah orang menang by Saiful Nang for pre birthday.. lain, mana bole beritahu, privacy.. hikss. Takde lahh, in shaa Allah pemberian yg penuh bermanfaat. Terima kasih dude!

Moga, kita sentiasa bersyukur dan berusaha untuk jadi baik dalam fitrah Islam. minta maaf sepanjang hayat ini banyak melukakan hati dengan kata dan tingkah yang tak serupa bikin saya.. sigh!


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